Now that I have moved to
Woja accessing the Internet has become increasingly default.
I am not sure if it will remain this way throughout the year, but as things are now I will only be able to check my e-mail and update the blog once a week or so.
I am hoping, however, that when I do update the blog it will have such abundant wit, information, and pictures that I will leave you satisfied for the whole week.
Let us begin.
I have just completed my second week of teaching at Ajeltake Elementary School. I am teaching 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 6th, and 8th grades. Now, I originally requested in my WorldTeach paperwork to teach younger students. I thought, “Heck. Little kids are cute and I know that I am smarter than them. How hard can it be?” Why did no one tell me that small children are idiots?! They cannot reason. They cannot sit still. They have no empathy. I hate them. I was scheduled to teach 1st – 3rd in a row for an hour each. After the second day I told my principal that 20 minutes in 1st and 2nd grade was all that I was physically and mentally able to do. (I always go over time, but at least this way I have an out.) Apparently he had met these kids and quickly agreed. My schedule is now as follows:
8:15 – 8:35 1st Grade
9:15 – 9:35 2nd Grade
10:30 – 11:30 3rd Grade
11:30 – 12:30 Lunch
12:30 – 1:15 Prep
1:15 – 2:00 8th Grade
2:00 – 2:45 6th Grade
I realize that there are a few breaks in my schedule. I plan to use the extra time to pull out students from my classes to work with them if they need some one-on-one assistance. I would also like to contribute a little of my time to assisting the special education teacher in any way that I can. (Interesting Fact: His position is paid for by IDEA) The development of the special education is proving to be a very interesting facet of working in the RMI. (I would love to discuss this further if anyone is interested)
I will talk in more detail about what I am doing in each class in more detail as the year progresses. For now I will just briefly explain my thoughts on what I am going to do in each class. I feel that all of the classes are missing the basics. They seem to be lacking knowledge of letter sounds (phonics) and how letter sounds allow readers to decode and writers to spell. I am treating 2nd grade as a accelerated version of 1st grade, and essentially planning the same series of lessons for both classes. Currently we are reviewing letter names and correct letter formation. We are going slow and also focusing on basic classroom procedures and phrases. (There is an added level of difficulty because I do not speak much Marshallese and they speak little to no English) After the students master the letter names we will move into phonics. (I think.)
In 3rd grade we are starting with phonics and building words using work families. This group of students is going to be really wonderful to work with. They are funny and truly seem motivated to be at school!
In 6th and 8th grade we are currently reviewing basic grammar and parts of speech. I have lots of ideas for both of these classes. I would like to have them journaling everyday. I think that this is a good way to differentiate instruction of the many different ability levels. I also would like to get them excited about reading. This will be hard because of my lack of resources. And like every other class think that phonics will need to be incorporated into class as well.
As for my home life. Some of you have heard that I was thrown a bit of a curve ball when I found out how far it is from my school and that my host family does not actually live there. After two weeks I love it. Transportation to school is a bit annoying, but it is making my more flexible and able to adapt to new situations. There is not much to say about the house. When I get home I am really tired. I go for a jog and try to avoid the crazy dogs. My host mom bought me Cinnamon Toast Crunch and I almost cried I was so happy. Thats about it.
I love and miss you all. I hope you enjoy the pictures.
p.s. I have not heard anything from Ben, Jacob, David, and Zack. Could someone pass on my blog information to them and send me a mailing address for one of them. Thanks.

Outside of
Ajeltake Elementary School. I wanted to get a better pictures, but as you can see when I pulled out the camera kids came running. They were fighting over who was closet to the camera, so I had to put it away.

My desk. My area consists of the table and two drawers in the filing cabinet. The rest of the space is the library. I hope to use some of my time to clean this area out and organize it. I have heard in the past every volunteer has tried this and it never lasts.

The wonderful home of
Nika and Danny Wise. (aka where I live)

The porch where I spend a lot of time rearranging mosquito coils to try and minimize the number of bites I get while eating, lesson planning, or reading.

My Room. There is a living room area where the rugs is. It really acts as a storage room for all of the stuff I have somehow accumulated in the last 6 weeks. Then, as you can see, my bed. And the door in the back of the room leads to the bathroom.