Saturday, September 29, 2007

Back By Popular Demand

The Outrigger Hotel is one of two tourist oriented hotels on the island. This is the hotel where I previously wrote about the all-you-can-eat buffet. A wonderful place. In the back of the hotel they have a retaining wall that, depending on the tide, creates between a 7 - 15 foot drop down into the ocean. On weekends I head over alone or with friends for a little play time. Jumping is not only fun, but every time I jump off I feel like it makes up a little bit for the Boundary Waters Cliff Jumping Incident of 2006. Oh, a little bit of added danger: on more than one occasion I have seen a sting ray swimming in this same area. Ahhh! Crocodile Hunter!

Marshall Islands Club is one of my favorite places to relax when I am in town for the weekend. In this picture I am sitting with Robyee and Tim watching an amazing game of shuffleboard. Yes, shuffleboard. This particular establishment not only has delicious pizza but shuffleboard! It is also the only restaurant that I have found that is located on ocean side of the island which adds a wonderful view and cool breeze to the list of things I love about MIC.

This amazing little man is Joraur. He is in my first grade class and also lives about a half mile from me. He is very smart and always wanting to learn. this picture is taken in the library where I also work. He came in during recess to read with me. I had a ton of work today, but who can so no to a child who wants to read!
I will post more pictures, but it takes forever and I don't have time right now. The Taiwanese Farming Project here gave away fresh produce this weekend. I am heading over to make grilled eggplant sandwiches with Robyee. Yummy!
I miss you all and will post again soon.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Internet Karma

I am learning a lot while living on my sliver of land in the Pacific. One of the things that I am learning is that Karma is no joke. For example, last week I wrote an email from the comfort of my own home saying how I did not like having Internet in my house. It took away from my experience. The next day Karma came a-knocking. No more Internet at my house. I now can only check my email once a week or so. Dag-nabit. I am sorry Internet, please forgive me. I am weak. I need you. (Maybe it will work when I get home.)

Today is Thursday and I am in town for a long weekend. Tomorrow is Manit Day and there is no school. Manit Day is a celebration of the Marshallese Culture. I am going to the Alele Museum in the morning to watch the celebrations. If all goes the way I plan I will take pictures and do another post this weekend.

My life has completely normalized. My days come and go with very little excitement.
PS I got my first letter today. From Mary Darling. Thanks Mary you made my day. As for the rest of you, please stare at the floor and think about what bad friends you are. Did you not read the part about Karma?
PPS I tried to post a few pictures with cute stories all about them, but the stupid computer keeps deleting them. Arg. I will try again tomorrow.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

A Ramble About the Weekend

I quick status update. Another half day today at school. The good teacher part of me hates half days. The slacker part of me ardors them. Today, I adore them. I am a very tired from a long weekend of fun. Greg, who is a mix of Zach and Andy, came in from Arno to submit his law school applications. It was wonderful to see him, because like Andy I feel amazingly comfortable talking to him and like Zach his wit and willingness to point out any mistake I make or character flaw keeps me entertained and on my toes.

Friday night I was able to get a cheeseburger with condiments. Real condiments. This almost brought me to tears I was so excited. Saturday I met Dan for breakfast at DAR. Then Dan helped me shop for a bike. I am hoping that owning a bike will let me feel less isolated out here in Woja. I am going for my first ride tonight and I will update you all on how it goes. Then Saturday night we all met at the local dock for the weigh in, because a couple friends had been out fishing. If you catch a Marlin over 750 pound you win $10,000! They did not catch the record breaking fish, but did provide us with a wonderful dinner. After dinner we all went out for drinks and dancing! It was a lovely time.

The best part of the weekend was Sunday. Greg and I woke up early and headed to the local hotel where they have a $15 all you can eat brunch. Spending $15 is so much money here, but it looked so good. It was. Greg and I ate, and occasionally talked, for hours. Cheesecake, pie, pancakes, made to order omelets and pasta, french fries, salads.... did I mention cheesecake? It was the greatest meal of my life. The best part was that I ate so much I was not hungry for the next 24 hours which made it not so pricey.

Monday, September 10, 2007

On My Way Up!

A quick update on how I am doing. I am not at school again today. Feeling much better than I did yesterday, but wanted to give myself one more day. I have been spending the day enjoying a Gatorade (a very special treat), working on monotonous school tasks, and sleeping.

I just had a little mini breakdown. I think it was because I am sick and tired. I don't know. I went to go make lunch and found that my cupboard had been taken over by bugs. They are inside everything except for the cans. What is harder still is that I wonder if I should be wasteful and throw it all out or try and rinse it off, cook it, and deal with it. My new plan is to wait a bit, clean the cupboard, and keep everything in the fridge where there are very few bugs.

So in the middle of my breakdown I notice the computer that is in the corner of the room. I have seen it a million times, but this time decided to turn it on and see if it has Internet. The story is spoiled because you are reading an Internet blog and I am sure you can guess how the story ends. I HAVE INTERNET IN THE HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Who would have thought in the middle of the Pacific there is Internet in my home! When I log on I am able to ready an email from my mom and check my Blogger messages. There was one from my Uncle Oak. It made my day. I can already feel the day turning around. Still, all of this emotional craziness has made me very tired. I am off to read and fall asleep before dealing with the bugs.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Not so Bueno

Today is Monday and I am not at work, again. This is my second Monday in three weeks that I have missed due to being sick. I hope it stops. I feel like crap due to being sick and feeling like a slacker.

I came into town today because my throat is very sore and I just feel generally bad. I also thought I could really get my moneys worth by talking to the doctor about this thing that I have stuck in the bottom of my foot and the weird lump in my armpit.

1. The Throat: A virus. Sleep, drink water, deal with it.
2. The Foot Thing: Maybe it was a splinter, but last night when I jabbed at it with tweezers I caused it to become infected. Antibiotics.
3. Lump in My Armpit: ??? Maybe a boil. Yuck. Maybe something else. The doctor is pretty sure that the foot meds will clear up the lump. If not... we will try again.

I am off to bed. I feel horrible. For the first time since I arrived I really want to be home. I hate being alone and sick.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Welcome US Navy

Today I am feeling very "un-bloggish." I do want to update you on a few key events. I have decided to let the pictures speak 1,000 words, so that I only have to speak (write) a few.

The US Navy just left yesterday after a 10 day visit in the RMI working on humanitarian projects. They came with doctors, vets, and general navy men to work on fixing up schools. I did not have a lot of contact with the Navy out in Woja, but when I came to town it was terribly overwhelming to see all the white skin. While I am sure they did a lot of good and needed some good R and R off the ship they were also incredibly embarrassing. Going to a local pub last weekend felt like I was a Kam's. They was excessive drinking and cursing, and just generally lack of cultural sensitivity. But, again, I am sure they made a very positive impact on the schools and other efforts. They also helped the economy and I spoke more Marshallese than I ever have to try and make myself seem more "local." Speaking all that Marshallese allowed me to meet my first Marshallese friend Mercy!
This is me, Dan, and Darren at dinner the night I just spoke of. A pretty eventful night. We went to dinner and then to the end of summer concert. It was outdoors and fantastic. My friend Ben joined in and played with a local band as the opening act. I loved the outdoor music and danced the night away! It was great fun!

This is the hotel security guard that was working at the outdoor concert. I love him. While dancing in my calm and gracefully way my camera fell out of my backpack. (Shocking!) The next day I looked all over before running into this man. He had found my camera later that night, had a friend take a picture of him, and then held onto it to give back to me!

The most wonderful part of this country is that everything comes back to you. Laura, a wonderful Aussie, lost her water bottle at the Australian Navy dock and a week later it showed up at the post office where she found it. Is this island not perfect for me?!