Monday, September 10, 2007

On My Way Up!

A quick update on how I am doing. I am not at school again today. Feeling much better than I did yesterday, but wanted to give myself one more day. I have been spending the day enjoying a Gatorade (a very special treat), working on monotonous school tasks, and sleeping.

I just had a little mini breakdown. I think it was because I am sick and tired. I don't know. I went to go make lunch and found that my cupboard had been taken over by bugs. They are inside everything except for the cans. What is harder still is that I wonder if I should be wasteful and throw it all out or try and rinse it off, cook it, and deal with it. My new plan is to wait a bit, clean the cupboard, and keep everything in the fridge where there are very few bugs.

So in the middle of my breakdown I notice the computer that is in the corner of the room. I have seen it a million times, but this time decided to turn it on and see if it has Internet. The story is spoiled because you are reading an Internet blog and I am sure you can guess how the story ends. I HAVE INTERNET IN THE HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Who would have thought in the middle of the Pacific there is Internet in my home! When I log on I am able to ready an email from my mom and check my Blogger messages. There was one from my Uncle Oak. It made my day. I can already feel the day turning around. Still, all of this emotional craziness has made me very tired. I am off to read and fall asleep before dealing with the bugs.


Anonymous said...

Mary here- I hope you are feeling better now. If I were there, I know you would make me pull your toes, which I guess I would do b/c you're sick and feeling blue. I miss you!!

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear your feeling better. See, you should have come to the mountains, no bugs! All is well here, we currently have 16 German Shepherds and they are all healthy. Should you ever get stateside again come visit, I will put you to work in the kennels, which is almost just like teaching.
Uncle Oak

Anonymous said...

The Dad here-found internet in the house!? try the switch on the wall, maybe the lights come on. Talked to Matt the other day. Seems he discovered that you cannot put a passport in the washing machine without some adverse effects. Feel any better? See if you can find a plastic tub with a lid to store non-canned goods. Love ya.