So, I have not made a public announcement because I wanted to hope that I could surprise someone at home when I showed up at a local watering hole, but I think everyone knows. Darn! Any who-- I am in the LAX airport right now. I have been flying for years. I am not sure to the exact amount of time, but I know that I am getting woozy I am so tired! I should get into Chicago in about 6 hours... I think.
So let me tell you about all the wonderful things they have here on the big island. One, water fountains! They are this machine that comes out of the wall that has already been purified! I love those things. Two, food. They have yogurt that costs less than a months rent! I have raspberry, so good. Cheese! That same plate that I bought the yogurt on came with three different cheeses. Now, at one time I would have been able to tell you what kind, now all I know is they were beautiful and dairyrific! I took it slow and didn't eat much. I figured it was not a good job to play with dairy on an airplane.
Okay, you maybe able to tell but I am going to die I am so tired. I am going to waste some of this hour of Internet I bought but I need sleep.
I am so excited to see you! Bright and early tomorrow AM, yay! P.S. The mexican restaurant we are going to tomorrow night is so awesomely random they don't even have reservations and they think you are a weirdo if you even ask :)
that was libby, duh
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