Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Hello friends. Today is January 17, 2008. I am not at school today because I am waiting to see the doctor. I woke up a couple days ago to find a weird, very ugly rash on each of my elbows. I planned to come into town yesterday and go to the doctor as well as my jewelry class, but was just feeling to crummy to deal with the bus ride that some days takes hours. (For those of you who don’t know I am taking a traditional Marshallese jewelry class on Tuesday and Wednesdays this month. I love it!)

Anyways the doctor is closed for lunch so I am at the Tide Tables eating a cheeseburger and passing the time. Other than a cold and the weird rash I am doing well. The time is passing quickly again. I am trying to stop focusing on going home to all my creature comforts and really live each day to the fullest. It is hard to do.

This weekend I had my first race with the yacht club. It was wonderful to spend time out on the water. For being on an island under four square miles, I spend a surprisingly little time on and in the water.

Okay, I feel horrible and am going to cut this short. I am going to TRY to attach a couple pictures. We’ll see how it goes.

Miss you all,

1 comment:

leah said...

Hope you're feeling better darlin!