Friday, December 14, 2007
I am not wearing a slip and these white people don't care?!
So let me tell you about all the wonderful things they have here on the big island. One, water fountains! They are this machine that comes out of the wall that has already been purified! I love those things. Two, food. They have yogurt that costs less than a months rent! I have raspberry, so good. Cheese! That same plate that I bought the yogurt on came with three different cheeses. Now, at one time I would have been able to tell you what kind, now all I know is they were beautiful and dairyrific! I took it slow and didn't eat much. I figured it was not a good job to play with dairy on an airplane.
Okay, you maybe able to tell but I am going to die I am so tired. I am going to waste some of this hour of Internet I bought but I need sleep.
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Climbing the Mountain!
I am in town today for a couple reasons. One, we have no power. Which means that I have not running water. No showers, no toilets, no music! Ahh! Also, I got a skirt made this weekend. I am so excited. I am going to check it out today before they do the final construction. It is a traditional "ish" skirt made out of fabric scraps from other dresses that they made! It is going to be so fun!
I am also looking forward to Sunday. Sunday is learn to sail day with the Yacht Club. Woo Hoo! I am now a card carrying member of the Marshall Islands Yacht Club. Sunday we learn to sail and then each month we will be able to participate in races! I can't wait!
Sunday, December 2, 2007
The Lowest of the Lows
Sunday, November 25, 2007
I am thankful for... my first book!
Now I am still, two days later, working on digesting all of the food. Things are going well here. I am enjoying teaching. The power outages are getting worse and that is hard to deal with at times. But, bring it on Marshall Islands... I feel like the more challenges that are sent my way the more I feel I can deal with anything. We'll see. Every time I post something like this on the blog it comes true. I bet when I get home I will no longer have a roof over my head.
PS Matt and Mel -- I love the bag and can't wait to read the book! I am going to put down the book I am reading now to enjoy that tasty reading treat tonight. (By the light of my headlamp)
Monday, November 12, 2007
Again... An Overdue Post
Next, I wanted to share the wonderful time that I had with my mom with all of you. She arrived on October 27th. As you read in the blog, I was too excited to function in the days leading up to her arrival. My friends Robyee, Dan, and Darren joined me as the official “Majuro Welcome Team.” I forced everyone to arrive at the airport excessively early. (I have been known to miss flights due underestimating what time you need to arrive.) Because we arrived so early we were able to explore a part of Majuro we had not yet seen… the airport bar.
After Mom arrived we headed back to my house for a little brunch before setting out on an afternoon Jambo. (Jambo: To walk or drive with out destination.) We had a wonderful afternoon visiting Laura and going to a birthday party for the WT Director’s “daughter.” It was nice for my mom to meet everyone that is in my life in one quick swoop.
During the week my mom lived my Marshallese life with me. She went to school and met the students, dealt with the constant power outages like a pro, and joined in on an afternoon baseball game. At school the students graciously demonstrated one of my favorite parts of living here in the Marshall Islands: Marshallese Manit (culture). The students sang songs, brought gifts, gave speeches, and made my mother feel loved and appreciated. All of this without any request from me. It was amazing for me to see my mother with the students and equally amazing to see the students with her. I will never forget those days.
The next morning we had a little bit of a rocky start. But, we rallied and met up with Courtney and Tim at Shoreline Dock. We took a 45-minute boat ride out to Ennco Island. Ennco Island is in the Majuro atoll and, other than the caretakers, completely uninhabited. We spent Saturday playing Rummy, eating, and looking for shells. Sunday we woke up to constant heavy rain. I was very impressed with Mom’s eagerness to go out and explore despite the yucky weather. We walked all the way around the island looking for shells and trying to avoid phenomena.
It was a wonderful week. The past week has been a little hard. Knowing that I will not see my family until June (maybe May) is hard. I am still happy to be here. Once I can get out of bed and get to school I am reminded why I am here. I love teaching and am not ready to leave yet.
Now, my request. Many of you have sent me messages telling me to let you know if I need anything. I need something. I am out of books to read. I would like who ever is interested to send me their favorite book. Not only will it provide me with a very diverse reading selection, I also think it would make me feel close to everyone. Maggie has sent me a book directly through Amazon and reportedly shipping was not outrageous. (Shipping it from home with a note written in the cover would be pretty wonderful too.) The book does not need to be a surprise if you would like to check with me to see if I have read it that would be okay. My address is:
Katie Smith
c/o WorldTeach
PO Box 627
Majuro, MH 96960
I have more pictures to go with this blog, but they are not working. I will try and add them this weekend. Katie
Monday, November 5, 2007
Mom is gone... I am sad.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Mom Has Arrived!
Thursday, October 25, 2007
I had to take a sleeping pill last night!
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
The Loss of My Street Credibility
Blogger will not allow me to upload any more pictures, but this in fact is the beautiful house that I have moved into. My experience in the Marshall Islands will now be slightly diffrent. A little more vacation like. Thus, my loss of street cred.
I am still learning flexibility and constantly impress myself with how well I am handling situations that in the States would have sent my into a downward spiral. Thursday night we had a WorldTeach party where all of the Majuro based volunteers who do not live with a host family received "families" to help expose them to cultural experiences and what not. I was given the truck you see in front of the house to pick up the volunteers that live in Woja and Laura and take them to and from the party. Like everything in the MI the party began late and after taking everyone home I did not arrive back at home until nearly midnight. Super late for me. When I arrived home I discovered, in true Katie fashion, that I had lost my house keys. Shocking! What I love about being here is that there is no room for "freaking out." I have become so much more of a problem solver. (I hope it remains) Anyways, I knew that I had to sleep and ideally not in the white truck. I drove to Woja to Hannah's house to see if I could sleep there. I was a little worried that this would not work, because I assumed she would be asleep and I would have to knock on her window. I knew if I knocked on her window if would worry her a bit because a common dating practice in the Marshall Islands is to "poke" a women who is sleeping and see if she invites you in. But, when I arrived at Hannah's house I discovered her awake and was able to crash at her house.
I woke up in the morning, very dirty, and headed off to school. Luckily, I had my school supplies in my backpack and not at home. After school I went into town to Mona's house to get keys. I then went back to the house to clean up, but first had to go into town to get gas. When I finished getting my gas I went to turn the car back on only to discover that the car was dead. Thanks to my father I recognized that the car battery had died and it was a simple fix. I did not anticipate how hard it would be to find jumper cables. I was able to use the gas station phone after an hour or so of asking everyone who walked / drove by if they has a knew where to get jumper cables. I called the WorldTeach office and Tamara, my field director, saved the day and called a mechanic to come jump the car. I finally hours later made it to the house and was able to get inside.
I then had a wonderful weekend. Courtney, Robyee, Dan, and Tim came out to the house where we cooked fresh fish and veggies over a fire of coconut shells. (Which makes food taste so much better than charcoal) Dan and I went out Kayaking around this abandoned boat that is stuck in the middle of the lagoon. The boat and the high coral, which caused the the boat to get stuck, create some big breaks. I had a great time "surfing" the kayak!
Okay, I am off to go back to Ajeltake. Everything is going well. My mom gets here in 6 days! Wow! I have an amazing 10 days planned for us! I will keep everyone updated on our adventures. I miss you all.
Update... but I have to do it really fast!
1. I moved. I am now living about a half a mile from school and around all of the kids. I am still living alone, but feel more apart of the community. Another benefit is that they moved me into a beautiful home. I would try to describe it, but am going to post pictures tomorrow for everyone to see. Let me put it this way... I have lost all karma points previously accumulated by volunteering. My life is now like a fancy beach vacation.
2. It is finals week. 1st quarter is already over. I can not believe that I am 30% done with my time here in the Marshall Islands. It is going way to fast.
3. There is more, but I have no time. My new host family allowed me to use a car to come into town and do my shopping for the week. I need to get to the store and head home. I will be back in town tomorrow because it is a half day to confirm reservations for when my mom gets here NEXT SATURDAY! I will write more then and post pictures.
4. Last but not least I got mail. Thank you Seth, Zach, and Andrea! I will read them tonight and respond as soon as I can. You made my day.
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
A Quick Update
This picture was taken last week. On my long walks home from school I take breaks to play with the kids . On Tuesday of last week I played baseball with Neirland, Ryan, and a few other kids that attend Ajeltalke. It is nice to be near them; they make me feel very happy and purposeful.
This weekend and the following week their is going to be a huge conference for "Friends of Taiwan." There are only 10 countries that recognize Taiwan as an independent state and the Marshall Islands is one of them. So, Taiwan gives tons of money to us. One of their latest gifts was the building on the left. This building was build just for the upcoming conference. There have been workers there 24 hours a day for the past 2 months. To illustrate how nice, and slightly out of place this building is, I turned around after taking the picture to show you what the building across the street looks like. The two buildings are truly complete opposites. I will keep you update on how the conference goes.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Back By Popular Demand
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Internet Karma
Sunday, September 16, 2007
A Ramble About the Weekend
Friday night I was able to get a cheeseburger with condiments. Real condiments. This almost brought me to tears I was so excited. Saturday I met Dan for breakfast at DAR. Then Dan helped me shop for a bike. I am hoping that owning a bike will let me feel less isolated out here in Woja. I am going for my first ride tonight and I will update you all on how it goes. Then Saturday night we all met at the local dock for the weigh in, because a couple friends had been out fishing. If you catch a Marlin over 750 pound you win $10,000! They did not catch the record breaking fish, but did provide us with a wonderful dinner. After dinner we all went out for drinks and dancing! It was a lovely time.
The best part of the weekend was Sunday. Greg and I woke up early and headed to the local hotel where they have a $15 all you can eat brunch. Spending $15 is so much money here, but it looked so good. It was. Greg and I ate, and occasionally talked, for hours. Cheesecake, pie, pancakes, made to order omelets and pasta, french fries, salads.... did I mention cheesecake? It was the greatest meal of my life. The best part was that I ate so much I was not hungry for the next 24 hours which made it not so pricey.
Monday, September 10, 2007
On My Way Up!
I just had a little mini breakdown. I think it was because I am sick and tired. I don't know. I went to go make lunch and found that my cupboard had been taken over by bugs. They are inside everything except for the cans. What is harder still is that I wonder if I should be wasteful and throw it all out or try and rinse it off, cook it, and deal with it. My new plan is to wait a bit, clean the cupboard, and keep everything in the fridge where there are very few bugs.
So in the middle of my breakdown I notice the computer that is in the corner of the room. I have seen it a million times, but this time decided to turn it on and see if it has Internet. The story is spoiled because you are reading an Internet blog and I am sure you can guess how the story ends. I HAVE INTERNET IN THE HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Who would have thought in the middle of the Pacific there is Internet in my home! When I log on I am able to ready an email from my mom and check my Blogger messages. There was one from my Uncle Oak. It made my day. I can already feel the day turning around. Still, all of this emotional craziness has made me very tired. I am off to read and fall asleep before dealing with the bugs.
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Not so Bueno
I came into town today because my throat is very sore and I just feel generally bad. I also thought I could really get my moneys worth by talking to the doctor about this thing that I have stuck in the bottom of my foot and the weird lump in my armpit.
1. The Throat: A virus. Sleep, drink water, deal with it.
2. The Foot Thing: Maybe it was a splinter, but last night when I jabbed at it with tweezers I caused it to become infected. Antibiotics.
3. Lump in My Armpit: ??? Maybe a boil. Yuck. Maybe something else. The doctor is pretty sure that the foot meds will clear up the lump. If not... we will try again.
I am off to bed. I feel horrible. For the first time since I arrived I really want to be home. I hate being alone and sick.
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Welcome US Navy
The most wonderful part of this country is that everything comes back to you. Laura, a wonderful Aussie, lost her water bottle at the Australian Navy dock and a week later it showed up at the post office where she found it. Is this island not perfect for me?!
Friday, August 31, 2007
An Overdue Update
8:15 – 8:35 1st Grade
9:15 – 9:35 2nd Grade
10:30 – 11:30 3rd Grade
11:30 – 12:30 Lunch
12:30 – 1:15 Prep
1:15 – 2:00 8th Grade
2:00 – 2:45 6th Grade
As for my home life. Some of you have heard that I was thrown a bit of a curve ball when I found out how far it is from my school and that my host family does not actually live there. After two weeks I love it. Transportation to school is a bit annoying, but it is making my more flexible and able to adapt to new situations. There is not much to say about the house. When I get home I am really tired. I go for a jog and try to avoid the crazy dogs. My host mom bought me Cinnamon Toast Crunch and I almost cried I was so happy. Thats about it.
p.s. I have not heard anything from Ben, Jacob, David, and Zack. Could someone pass on my blog information to them and send me a mailing address for one of them. Thanks.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Can you wait?
I had to come into town for two reasons today. One, my friend Greg is leaving tomorrow for Arno. Arno is an island about 10 miles away from Majuro. Also, we have an emergency meeting with all WT vols on island tonight at 6 about the effects of the broken plane. (I will explain more tomorrow.)
I have to go. It is important to note that I will be composing a blog tonight when I get home and posting it this weekend with a lot of pictures. Also, I am doing okay. I came here for challenges and am pretty proud of how I am rolling with with the "punches."
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Who New My Blog Was Soooo Popular!
As for what I have been doing over the past 2 weeks:
1. We had Practicum last week. Practicum took place at Ajeltake Elementary School. Bonus Points if you remembered that this is where I will be teaching. This was a very special event because I got to meet a lot of the staff and students, and now I feel more calm about the upcoming school year.
2. We attended yet another Ministry of Education party. This party was for all current teachers and principals. Extra little tidbit : After the party we headed down to the lagoon and drank vodka and Gatorade. Then later danced the night away. Until the bar where we were dancing was shut down by the police. This is apparently how bars here close. No closing time the just wait until things get rowdy and the police come?!
The following picture is of Greg and Kristen at the MOE Party. Not the best picture, but I know that many of you would like to put faces with names. Around their necks they are wearing long strings of bubble gum. Greg has since become addicted and goes through extreme withdrawal without it.
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Our Trip to Laura
Dan and the Senator! Thanks to him we had a great day!
Kristen and Daren in the hammock reading and talking.
The greatest place on earth! I sat at the end of this sandbar forever reading and listening music!
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Crazy Day - Tune in Tomorrow
1. Hitch hiked
2. Found heaven
3. Police
I have to get back to getting work done. Tomorrow, I hope, I will write and post more than one picture.
(Dad e mail me at I tried to call today but I was out of time on my cell phone. I am going to try again sometime this week when you get home from work.)
Friday, August 3, 2007
This picture was taken tonight at the Ministry of Education building. WorldTeach invited all of the principals and teachers to come meet the new volunteers. Both my principal and the 6th grade teacher came. I will be teaching English Language classes for the 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. I am very excited to get started. My principal brought me this beautiful headpiece to welcome me to the school. Obet, the principal, was the star of the party. He sang, told jokes, and made everyone laugh. The more people I meet from the community the more excited I become for the school year to begin!
I am now going to try and post a picture with each blog. Try.
(Dad you did a great job with the message post. You can also email me personally if you want. I love you.)
Monday, July 30, 2007
Questions Answered
2. Aunt Cheryl: It rains all of the time. Just scattered showers. Really heavy showers! You can normally wait it out. However, I see a mirror about once a week so I really don't care if I get wet. I dry as soon as the sun comes out. The rain water is also nicer than the shower water, so it is like a free bath. Some of my fellow WTeachers run and grab soap when it rains and literally take a shower in the rain.
3. Phone: As a few of you know I did get a cell phone. (Judge, judge away) I can't read my blog while I type but I may have entered the first three numbers wrong. Again the number is
011 692 455 2471. It is still best to communicate through email because of the crazy time diffrence. But please call if you want. Make sure you find a good phone card. You may want to talk to my mom for help with that. She is the only one who has called me sucessfully. I should be able to get texts, but it is not working. I will look into soon. However, I am begining to get used to island time and taking forever to do anything.
I have to go to the local bar now for food and a beer! Yokwe! (can be hello or goodbye)
Sunday, July 29, 2007
I Was Able to Show My Sholders.... still no knees :(
I am going to post pictures later this week. I miss you all. I am really busy, but hope to get personal letter to each of you soon.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
"Katie Smith Town Whore"
As soon as we left the tour I ran to a little store and bought a slip! I feel better now. When I was paying the woman did not have enough change. Without even asking she gave me part of my change in sticks of gum! How great is that. Gum used as money. My mom would be rich with all that Ice Breakers!
Update on "U-ker": Last night Kristen and I beat the boys (Dan and Tim) in U ker and walked away with breakfast. So this morning when I got done showering (ie pouring a cup of catchment water over my head while standing on a piece of wood surrounded with a tarp) I had a toasty bagel and fried egg! Ymm!
Lastly- I got a cell phone. I know it takes away from the experience, but I want to talk to people! There are phone cards that you can buy to call me for as cheep as 50 cents per minute. I get free incomming calls and can call you for $1.50 / minute. I think texting is only 10 cents per message for me, but check with you phone company before doing it. The number to call me is oo1 692 455 2471. Keep in mind the time diffrence. To find my time subtract six hours and add a day. ( I think. I am free after 6pm and before 9am for the next month.)
I am doing really bad on letters. So far I have only written Mags 1 page and have not mailed it. I am going to improve I promise. We are just so busy.
Love you all. Katie
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
I am an Interneting Fool
Monday, July 23, 2007
Yokwe! (Hello)
Here is a little bit about where I am staying. I am living near the airport and about a 15 min. cab ride to downtown. I am living in a trailer with 15 other people and all of our things. There is air conditioning that makes the room about 10 degrees, but when you have been in the hot humid air all day it is okay. There are a lot of contrasts between the amenities that we are given. For example we have to bucket shower out doors and there are only two showers for 45 people! On the other hand lunch and dinner are catered by a REALLY nice restaurant. (There is no skim milk on the whole island!) I am planning to fly to Hawaii for milk! (not really, but I want to. 1000 dollars for milk MIGHT be silly)
Yesterday I went snorkeling and found Nemo! No joke! The "Nemo" fish is only found near the Marshall Islands. It was great. I am very excited to go again. (thanks Dad and Lisa for the gear)
I have to get back, but will write soon.
Friday, July 20, 2007
At the Double Tree in LA (or some town near it)
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Almost Time to Leave!
I uploaded a picture of the island. The black part is the land. In the middle of the island is Majuro Lagoon. When I first arrive I will be living with all 44 other volunteers in the "downtown" area that is made up of the towns of Djarrit, Uliga, and Delap. I think that we will be sleeping in a school gym. (Maybe?) I will stay there for about a month before I move to Ajeltake where I will live with a family. I don't know many details, but am planning to add to my blog weekly.