This picture was taken last week. On my long walks home from school I take breaks to play with the kids . On Tuesday of last week I played baseball with Neirland, Ryan, and a few other kids that attend Ajeltalke. It is nice to be near them; they make me feel very happy and purposeful.
This weekend and the following week their is going to be a huge conference for "Friends of Taiwan." There are only 10 countries that recognize Taiwan as an independent state and the Marshall Islands is one of them. So, Taiwan gives tons of money to us. One of their latest gifts was the building on the left. This building was build just for the upcoming conference. There have been workers there 24 hours a day for the past 2 months. To illustrate how nice, and slightly out of place this building is, I turned around after taking the picture to show you what the building across the street looks like. The two buildings are truly complete opposites. I will keep you update on how the conference goes.
Hey cousin, I was just reading up on your trip, looks like you're having tons of fun. Quite the culture shock. Anyway, hope all is well. Lucas.
Katie, Mel and I went to our last wedding of the year and not to be outdone I ended up in the ER. About 3 hours after the wedding ended I dropped Mel off at the Backroom Bar and Grill and parked the car. As I walked over the train tracks my right foot got stuck and down I went, I open up a large gash on my chin and had to get 5 stitches to close the wound, but I am fine. Other than that Mel and I have less then two weeks until we go down to the islands. Hope you are doing great, we miss you.
Matt, Mel, Jake and Abby
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